I’m an Italian photographer, living in Tokyo since 2008. To me photography means establishing a way to connect and take care of the subject that stand in front of my camera. Portraits and lifestyle are my main interests, although I also have experience in interior and architecture photography.
Graduated in photography at IED Milano in 1997, I was lucky enough to start my career using film, then fully move to digital, taking advantage of both approaches.

Hasselblad Japan 2018 Ambassador, Represented in Japan by MASH Management

Born in Milano;
1995 – Start to work as photographer’s assistant;
1997 – Degrees in Photography at Istituto Europeo di Design (4 years course), Milano;
1998 – Established Fuorifuoco Photo Studio with Dario Mastrocola: shooting for advertising, fashion, magazines, music industry, craft companies;
2002 – Closed Fuorifuoco Photo Studio and start working as freelance;
2008 – Moved to Tokyo;
2011 to now Managing the photo studio in Tokyo at the Japanese branch of YOOX.COM, creating the digital contents for YOOX and Diesel Japan online store;
2015 to 2016 Collaboration with OYSTER.COM and TripAdvisor, shooting Hotels, Resorts and various locations around Japan.
2016 – 2019 Management and creation of all the digital production (Website and Social Media) for the apparel brand Kay Me, Tokyo
2018 – Ambassador for Hasselblad Japan
2019 – Represented in by M.A.S.H. management, Tokyo

1972 ミラノ生まれ。
1995 アシスタント、そしてプロカメラマンとして仕事を始める。
1997 Istituto Europeo di Design di Milano, 写真コース卒業
1998 グループ Fuorifuoco を結成
2001 フリーカメラマンとして活動開始
2008 活動の拠点を東京に移動
2011〜現在 YOOX.COM 日本支店とコラポレーションを開始(東京スタジオの運営、YOOX、及び、Diesel Japanのオンラインストアのコンテンツ作成)
2011 岩手県陸前高田で Italians For Tohoku(東北復興のためのイタリア人会)の一員として支援活動を行う
2015〜2016 TripAdvisorとコラボレーション(日本中のホテル、リゾート、又、ロケーション撮影)
2016〜2019 日本製ジャージードレスブランド Kay Me (maojian works株式会社)のデジタルプロダクション(ウェブサイトやソーシャルメディア等)マネジメント
2018〜現在 ハッセルブラッドジャパンアンバサダー
2019〜現在 M.A.S.H.

Work list (selection)

Clients: Jil Sander, Hasselblad Japan, Google Japan, YouTube Japan, Aman Tokyo, Amanemu, JTB, OPPO Japan, Japanese Ministry of Tourism, Italian Chamber of Commerce Japan, YOOX.COM, TripAdvisor, Oyster.com, Piaggio Japan, Nespresso, Sony Ericsson, Pirelli Japan, CBRE Japan, Zucchetti/KOS, Kay Me Japan etc.

L’Espresso, COURRiER Japon, Rolling Stone Italy, GQ Italy, GQ Japan, Metropolis, Time Out Tokyo, ACCJ Magazine, Lettera/Abitare, Tokion, Ecocolo, Vingtaine, Glitter, Lives, Someone’s Garden, Nespresso Magazine, Flair Austria etc.

Graphic Designer: Walter Santomauro
Web Developer: Simone Ballesio